Source code for gklearn.kernels.weisfeilerLehmanKernel

@author: linlin


	[1] Shervashidze N, Schweitzer P, Leeuwen EJ, Mehlhorn K, Borgwardt KM. 
	Weisfeiler-lehman graph kernels. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 

import sys
from collections import Counter
from functools import partial
import time
#from multiprocessing import Pool
from tqdm import tqdm

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

#from gklearn.kernels.pathKernel import pathkernel
from gklearn.utils.graphdataset import get_dataset_attributes
from gklearn.utils.parallel import parallel_gm

# @todo: support edge kernel, sp kernel, user-defined kernel.
[docs]def weisfeilerlehmankernel(*args, node_label='atom', edge_label='bond_type', height=0, base_kernel='subtree', parallel=None, n_jobs=None, chunksize=None, verbose=True): """Compute Weisfeiler-Lehman kernels between graphs. Parameters ---------- Gn : List of NetworkX graph List of graphs between which the kernels are computed. G1, G2 : NetworkX graphs Two graphs between which the kernel is computed. node_label : string Node attribute used as label. The default node label is atom. edge_label : string Edge attribute used as label. The default edge label is bond_type. height : int Subtree height. base_kernel : string Base kernel used in each iteration of WL kernel. Only default 'subtree' kernel can be applied for now. parallel : None Which paralleliztion method is applied to compute the kernel. No parallelization can be applied for now. n_jobs : int Number of jobs for parallelization. The default is to use all computational cores. This argument is only valid when one of the parallelization method is applied and can be ignored for now. Return ------ Kmatrix : Numpy matrix Kernel matrix, each element of which is the Weisfeiler-Lehman kernel between 2 praphs. Notes ----- This function now supports WL subtree kernel only. """ # The default base # kernel is subtree kernel. For user-defined kernel, base_kernel is the # name of the base kernel function used in each iteration of WL kernel. # This function returns a Numpy matrix, each element of which is the # user-defined Weisfeiler-Lehman kernel between 2 praphs. # pre-process base_kernel = base_kernel.lower() Gn = args[0] if len(args) == 1 else [args[0], args[1]] # arrange all graphs in a list Gn = [g.copy() for g in Gn] ds_attrs = get_dataset_attributes(Gn, attr_names=['node_labeled'], node_label=node_label) if not ds_attrs['node_labeled']: for G in Gn: nx.set_node_attributes(G, '0', 'atom') start_time = time.time() # for WL subtree kernel if base_kernel == 'subtree': Kmatrix = _wl_kernel_do(Gn, node_label, edge_label, height, parallel, n_jobs, chunksize, verbose) # for WL shortest path kernel elif base_kernel == 'sp': Kmatrix = _wl_spkernel_do(Gn, node_label, edge_label, height) # for WL edge kernel elif base_kernel == 'edge': Kmatrix = _wl_edgekernel_do(Gn, node_label, edge_label, height) # for user defined base kernel else: Kmatrix = _wl_userkernel_do(Gn, node_label, edge_label, height, base_kernel) run_time = time.time() - start_time if verbose: print("\n --- Weisfeiler-Lehman %s kernel matrix of size %d built in %s seconds ---" % (base_kernel, len(args[0]), run_time)) return Kmatrix, run_time
def _wl_kernel_do(Gn, node_label, edge_label, height, parallel, n_jobs, chunksize, verbose): """Compute Weisfeiler-Lehman kernels between graphs. Parameters ---------- Gn : List of NetworkX graph List of graphs between which the kernels are computed. node_label : string node attribute used as label. edge_label : string edge attribute used as label. height : int wl height. Return ------ Kmatrix : Numpy matrix Kernel matrix, each element of which is the Weisfeiler-Lehman kernel between 2 praphs. """ height = int(height) Kmatrix = np.zeros((len(Gn), len(Gn))) # initial for height = 0 all_num_of_each_label = [] # number of occurence of each label in each graph in this iteration # for each graph for G in Gn: # get the set of original labels labels_ori = list(nx.get_node_attributes(G, node_label).values()) # number of occurence of each label in G all_num_of_each_label.append(dict(Counter(labels_ori))) # Compute subtree kernel with the 0th iteration and add it to the final kernel compute_kernel_matrix(Kmatrix, all_num_of_each_label, Gn, parallel, n_jobs, chunksize, False) # iterate each height for h in range(1, height + 1): all_set_compressed = {} # a dictionary mapping original labels to new ones in all graphs in this iteration num_of_labels_occured = 0 # number of the set of letters that occur before as node labels at least once in all graphs # all_labels_ori = set() # all unique orignal labels in all graphs in this iteration all_num_of_each_label = [] # number of occurence of each label in G # # for each graph # # ---- use pool.imap_unordered to parallel and track progress. ---- # pool = Pool(n_jobs) # itr = zip(Gn, range(0, len(Gn))) # if len(Gn) < 100 * n_jobs: # chunksize = int(len(Gn) / n_jobs) + 1 # else: # chunksize = 100 # all_multisets_list = [[] for _ in range(len(Gn))] ## set_unique_list = [[] for _ in range(len(Gn))] # get_partial = partial(wrapper_wl_iteration, node_label) ## if verbose: ## iterator = tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(get_partial, itr, chunksize), ## desc='wl iteration', file=sys.stdout) ## else: # iterator = pool.imap_unordered(get_partial, itr, chunksize) # for i, all_multisets in iterator: # all_multisets_list[i] = all_multisets ## set_unique_list[i] = set_unique ## all_set_unique = all_set_unique | set(set_unique) # pool.close() # pool.join() # all_set_unique = set() # for uset in all_multisets_list: # all_set_unique = all_set_unique | set(uset) # # all_set_unique = list(all_set_unique) ## # a dictionary mapping original labels to new ones. ## set_compressed = {} ## for idx, uset in enumerate(all_set_unique): ## set_compressed.update({uset: idx}) # # for ig, G in enumerate(Gn): # ## # a dictionary mapping original labels to new ones. ## set_compressed = {} ## # if a label occured before, assign its former compressed label, ## # else assign the number of labels occured + 1 as the compressed label. ## for value in set_unique_list[i]: ## if uset in all_set_unique: ## set_compressed.update({uset: all_set_compressed[value]}) ## else: ## set_compressed.update({value: str(num_of_labels_occured + 1)}) ## num_of_labels_occured += 1 # ## all_set_compressed.update(set_compressed) # # # relabel nodes # for idx, node in enumerate(G.nodes()): # G.nodes[node][node_label] = all_set_unique.index(all_multisets_list[ig][idx]) # # # get the set of compressed labels # labels_comp = list(nx.get_node_attributes(G, node_label).values()) ## all_labels_ori.update(labels_comp) # all_num_of_each_label[ig] = dict(Counter(labels_comp)) # all_set_unique = list(all_set_unique) # @todo: parallel this part. for idx, G in enumerate(Gn): all_multisets = [] for node, attrs in G.nodes(data=True): # Multiset-label determination. multiset = [G.nodes[neighbors][node_label] for neighbors in G[node]] # sorting each multiset multiset.sort() multiset = [attrs[node_label]] + multiset # add the prefix all_multisets.append(tuple(multiset)) # label compression set_unique = list(set(all_multisets)) # set of unique multiset labels # a dictionary mapping original labels to new ones. set_compressed = {} # if a label occured before, assign its former compressed label, # else assign the number of labels occured + 1 as the compressed label. for value in set_unique: if value in all_set_compressed.keys(): set_compressed.update({value: all_set_compressed[value]}) else: set_compressed.update({value: str(num_of_labels_occured + 1)}) num_of_labels_occured += 1 all_set_compressed.update(set_compressed) # relabel nodes for idx, node in enumerate(G.nodes()): G.nodes[node][node_label] = set_compressed[all_multisets[idx]] # get the set of compressed labels labels_comp = list(nx.get_node_attributes(G, node_label).values()) # all_labels_ori.update(labels_comp) all_num_of_each_label.append(dict(Counter(labels_comp))) # Compute subtree kernel with h iterations and add it to the final kernel compute_kernel_matrix(Kmatrix, all_num_of_each_label, Gn, parallel, n_jobs, chunksize, False) return Kmatrix
[docs]def wl_iteration(G, node_label): all_multisets = [] for node, attrs in G.nodes(data=True): # Multiset-label determination. multiset = [G.nodes[neighbors][node_label] for neighbors in G[node]] # sorting each multiset multiset.sort() multiset = [attrs[node_label]] + multiset # add the prefix all_multisets.append(tuple(multiset)) # # label compression # set_unique = list(set(all_multisets)) # set of unique multiset labels return all_multisets
# # a dictionary mapping original labels to new ones. # set_compressed = {} # # if a label occured before, assign its former compressed label, # # else assign the number of labels occured + 1 as the compressed label. # for value in set_unique: # if value in all_set_compressed.keys(): # set_compressed.update({value: all_set_compressed[value]}) # else: # set_compressed.update({value: str(num_of_labels_occured + 1)}) # num_of_labels_occured += 1 # # all_set_compressed.update(set_compressed) # # # relabel nodes # for idx, node in enumerate(G.nodes()): # G.nodes[node][node_label] = set_compressed[all_multisets[idx]] # # # get the set of compressed labels # labels_comp = list(nx.get_node_attributes(G, node_label).values()) # all_labels_ori.update(labels_comp) # all_num_of_each_label.append(dict(Counter(labels_comp))) # return
[docs]def wrapper_wl_iteration(node_label, itr_item): g = itr_item[0] i = itr_item[1] all_multisets = wl_iteration(g, node_label) return i, all_multisets
[docs]def compute_kernel_matrix(Kmatrix, all_num_of_each_label, Gn, parallel, n_jobs, chunksize, verbose): """Compute kernel matrix using the base kernel. """ if parallel == 'imap_unordered': # compute kernels. def init_worker(alllabels_toshare): global G_alllabels G_alllabels = alllabels_toshare do_partial = partial(wrapper_compute_subtree_kernel, Kmatrix) parallel_gm(do_partial, Kmatrix, Gn, init_worker=init_worker, glbv=(all_num_of_each_label,), n_jobs=n_jobs, chunksize=chunksize, verbose=verbose) elif parallel is None: for i in range(len(Kmatrix)): for j in range(i, len(Kmatrix)): Kmatrix[i][j] = compute_subtree_kernel(all_num_of_each_label[i], all_num_of_each_label[j], Kmatrix[i][j]) Kmatrix[j][i] = Kmatrix[i][j]
[docs]def compute_subtree_kernel(num_of_each_label1, num_of_each_label2, kernel): """Compute the subtree kernel. """ labels = set(list(num_of_each_label1.keys()) + list(num_of_each_label2.keys())) vector1 = np.array([(num_of_each_label1[label] if (label in num_of_each_label1.keys()) else 0) for label in labels]) vector2 = np.array([(num_of_each_label2[label] if (label in num_of_each_label2.keys()) else 0) for label in labels]) kernel +=, vector2) return kernel
[docs]def wrapper_compute_subtree_kernel(Kmatrix, itr): i = itr[0] j = itr[1] return i, j, compute_subtree_kernel(G_alllabels[i], G_alllabels[j], Kmatrix[i][j])
def _wl_spkernel_do(Gn, node_label, edge_label, height): """Compute Weisfeiler-Lehman shortest path kernels between graphs. Parameters ---------- Gn : List of NetworkX graph List of graphs between which the kernels are computed. node_label : string node attribute used as label. edge_label : string edge attribute used as label. height : int subtree height. Return ------ Kmatrix : Numpy matrix Kernel matrix, each element of which is the Weisfeiler-Lehman kernel between 2 praphs. """ pass from gklearn.utils.utils import getSPGraph # init. height = int(height) Kmatrix = np.zeros((len(Gn), len(Gn))) # init kernel Gn = [ getSPGraph(G, edge_weight = edge_label) for G in Gn ] # get shortest path graphs of Gn # initial for height = 0 for i in range(0, len(Gn)): for j in range(i, len(Gn)): for e1 in Gn[i].edges(data = True): for e2 in Gn[j].edges(data = True): if e1[2]['cost'] != 0 and e1[2]['cost'] == e2[2]['cost'] and ((e1[0] == e2[0] and e1[1] == e2[1]) or (e1[0] == e2[1] and e1[1] == e2[0])): Kmatrix[i][j] += 1 Kmatrix[j][i] = Kmatrix[i][j] # iterate each height for h in range(1, height + 1): all_set_compressed = {} # a dictionary mapping original labels to new ones in all graphs in this iteration num_of_labels_occured = 0 # number of the set of letters that occur before as node labels at least once in all graphs for G in Gn: # for each graph set_multisets = [] for node in G.nodes(data = True): # Multiset-label determination. multiset = [ G.node[neighbors][node_label] for neighbors in G[node[0]] ] # sorting each multiset multiset.sort() multiset = node[1][node_label] + ''.join(multiset) # concatenate to a string and add the prefix set_multisets.append(multiset) # label compression set_unique = list(set(set_multisets)) # set of unique multiset labels # a dictionary mapping original labels to new ones. set_compressed = {} # if a label occured before, assign its former compressed label, else assign the number of labels occured + 1 as the compressed label for value in set_unique: if value in all_set_compressed.keys(): set_compressed.update({ value : all_set_compressed[value] }) else: set_compressed.update({ value : str(num_of_labels_occured + 1) }) num_of_labels_occured += 1 all_set_compressed.update(set_compressed) # relabel nodes for node in G.nodes(data = True): node[1][node_label] = set_compressed[set_multisets[node[0]]] # Compute subtree kernel with h iterations and add it to the final kernel for i in range(0, len(Gn)): for j in range(i, len(Gn)): for e1 in Gn[i].edges(data = True): for e2 in Gn[j].edges(data = True): if e1[2]['cost'] != 0 and e1[2]['cost'] == e2[2]['cost'] and ((e1[0] == e2[0] and e1[1] == e2[1]) or (e1[0] == e2[1] and e1[1] == e2[0])): Kmatrix[i][j] += 1 Kmatrix[j][i] = Kmatrix[i][j] return Kmatrix def _wl_edgekernel_do(Gn, node_label, edge_label, height): """Compute Weisfeiler-Lehman edge kernels between graphs. Parameters ---------- Gn : List of NetworkX graph List of graphs between which the kernels are computed. node_label : string node attribute used as label. edge_label : string edge attribute used as label. height : int subtree height. Return ------ Kmatrix : Numpy matrix Kernel matrix, each element of which is the Weisfeiler-Lehman kernel between 2 praphs. """ pass # init. height = int(height) Kmatrix = np.zeros((len(Gn), len(Gn))) # init kernel # initial for height = 0 for i in range(0, len(Gn)): for j in range(i, len(Gn)): for e1 in Gn[i].edges(data = True): for e2 in Gn[j].edges(data = True): if e1[2][edge_label] == e2[2][edge_label] and ((e1[0] == e2[0] and e1[1] == e2[1]) or (e1[0] == e2[1] and e1[1] == e2[0])): Kmatrix[i][j] += 1 Kmatrix[j][i] = Kmatrix[i][j] # iterate each height for h in range(1, height + 1): all_set_compressed = {} # a dictionary mapping original labels to new ones in all graphs in this iteration num_of_labels_occured = 0 # number of the set of letters that occur before as node labels at least once in all graphs for G in Gn: # for each graph set_multisets = [] for node in G.nodes(data = True): # Multiset-label determination. multiset = [ G.node[neighbors][node_label] for neighbors in G[node[0]] ] # sorting each multiset multiset.sort() multiset = node[1][node_label] + ''.join(multiset) # concatenate to a string and add the prefix set_multisets.append(multiset) # label compression set_unique = list(set(set_multisets)) # set of unique multiset labels # a dictionary mapping original labels to new ones. set_compressed = {} # if a label occured before, assign its former compressed label, else assign the number of labels occured + 1 as the compressed label for value in set_unique: if value in all_set_compressed.keys(): set_compressed.update({ value : all_set_compressed[value] }) else: set_compressed.update({ value : str(num_of_labels_occured + 1) }) num_of_labels_occured += 1 all_set_compressed.update(set_compressed) # relabel nodes for node in G.nodes(data = True): node[1][node_label] = set_compressed[set_multisets[node[0]]] # Compute subtree kernel with h iterations and add it to the final kernel for i in range(0, len(Gn)): for j in range(i, len(Gn)): for e1 in Gn[i].edges(data = True): for e2 in Gn[j].edges(data = True): if e1[2][edge_label] == e2[2][edge_label] and ((e1[0] == e2[0] and e1[1] == e2[1]) or (e1[0] == e2[1] and e1[1] == e2[0])): Kmatrix[i][j] += 1 Kmatrix[j][i] = Kmatrix[i][j] return Kmatrix def _wl_userkernel_do(Gn, node_label, edge_label, height, base_kernel): """Compute Weisfeiler-Lehman kernels based on user-defined kernel between graphs. Parameters ---------- Gn : List of NetworkX graph List of graphs between which the kernels are computed. node_label : string node attribute used as label. edge_label : string edge attribute used as label. height : int subtree height. base_kernel : string Name of the base kernel function used in each iteration of WL kernel. This function returns a Numpy matrix, each element of which is the user-defined Weisfeiler-Lehman kernel between 2 praphs. Return ------ Kmatrix : Numpy matrix Kernel matrix, each element of which is the Weisfeiler-Lehman kernel between 2 praphs. """ pass # init. height = int(height) Kmatrix = np.zeros((len(Gn), len(Gn))) # init kernel # initial for height = 0 Kmatrix = base_kernel(Gn, node_label, edge_label) # iterate each height for h in range(1, height + 1): all_set_compressed = {} # a dictionary mapping original labels to new ones in all graphs in this iteration num_of_labels_occured = 0 # number of the set of letters that occur before as node labels at least once in all graphs for G in Gn: # for each graph set_multisets = [] for node in G.nodes(data = True): # Multiset-label determination. multiset = [ G.node[neighbors][node_label] for neighbors in G[node[0]] ] # sorting each multiset multiset.sort() multiset = node[1][node_label] + ''.join(multiset) # concatenate to a string and add the prefix set_multisets.append(multiset) # label compression set_unique = list(set(set_multisets)) # set of unique multiset labels # a dictionary mapping original labels to new ones. set_compressed = {} # if a label occured before, assign its former compressed label, else assign the number of labels occured + 1 as the compressed label for value in set_unique: if value in all_set_compressed.keys(): set_compressed.update({ value : all_set_compressed[value] }) else: set_compressed.update({ value : str(num_of_labels_occured + 1) }) num_of_labels_occured += 1 all_set_compressed.update(set_compressed) # relabel nodes for node in G.nodes(data = True): node[1][node_label] = set_compressed[set_multisets[node[0]]] # Compute kernel with h iterations and add it to the final kernel Kmatrix += base_kernel(Gn, node_label, edge_label) return Kmatrix