Source code for gklearn.utils.graphdataset

""" Obtain all kinds of attributes of a graph dataset.

This file is for old version of graphkit-learn.

[docs]def get_dataset_attributes(Gn, target=None, attr_names=[], node_label=None, edge_label=None): """Returns the structure and property information of the graph dataset Gn. Parameters ---------- Gn : List of NetworkX graph List of graphs whose information will be returned. target : list The list of classification targets corresponding to Gn. Only works for classification problems. attr_names : list List of strings which indicate which informations will be returned. The possible choices includes: 'substructures': sub-structures Gn contains, including 'linear', 'non linear' and 'cyclic'. 'node_labeled': whether vertices have symbolic labels. 'edge_labeled': whether egdes have symbolic labels. 'is_directed': whether graphs in Gn are directed. 'dataset_size': number of graphs in Gn. 'ave_node_num': average number of vertices of graphs in Gn. 'min_node_num': minimum number of vertices of graphs in Gn. 'max_node_num': maximum number of vertices of graphs in Gn. 'ave_edge_num': average number of edges of graphs in Gn. 'min_edge_num': minimum number of edges of graphs in Gn. 'max_edge_num': maximum number of edges of graphs in Gn. 'ave_node_degree': average vertex degree of graphs in Gn. 'min_node_degree': minimum vertex degree of graphs in Gn. 'max_node_degree': maximum vertex degree of graphs in Gn. 'ave_fill_factor': average fill factor (number_of_edges / (number_of_nodes ** 2)) of graphs in Gn. 'min_fill_factor': minimum fill factor of graphs in Gn. 'max_fill_factor': maximum fill factor of graphs in Gn. 'node_label_num': number of symbolic vertex labels. 'edge_label_num': number of symbolic edge labels. 'node_attr_dim': number of dimensions of non-symbolic vertex labels. Extracted from the 'attributes' attribute of graph nodes. 'edge_attr_dim': number of dimensions of non-symbolic edge labels. Extracted from the 'attributes' attribute of graph edges. 'class_number': number of classes. Only available for classification problems. node_label : string Node attribute used as label. The default node label is atom. Mandatory when 'node_labeled' or 'node_label_num' is required. edge_label : string Edge attribute used as label. The default edge label is bond_type. Mandatory when 'edge_labeled' or 'edge_label_num' is required. Return ------ attrs : dict Value for each property. """ import networkx as nx import numpy as np attrs = {} def get_dataset_size(Gn): return len(Gn) def get_all_node_num(Gn): return [nx.number_of_nodes(G) for G in Gn] def get_ave_node_num(all_node_num): return np.mean(all_node_num) def get_min_node_num(all_node_num): return np.amin(all_node_num) def get_max_node_num(all_node_num): return np.amax(all_node_num) def get_all_edge_num(Gn): return [nx.number_of_edges(G) for G in Gn] def get_ave_edge_num(all_edge_num): return np.mean(all_edge_num) def get_min_edge_num(all_edge_num): return np.amin(all_edge_num) def get_max_edge_num(all_edge_num): return np.amax(all_edge_num) def is_node_labeled(Gn): return False if node_label is None else True def get_node_label_num(Gn): nl = set() for G in Gn: nl = nl | set(nx.get_node_attributes(G, node_label).values()) return len(nl) def is_edge_labeled(Gn): return False if edge_label is None else True def get_edge_label_num(Gn): el = set() for G in Gn: el = el | set(nx.get_edge_attributes(G, edge_label).values()) return len(el) def is_directed(Gn): return nx.is_directed(Gn[0]) def get_ave_node_degree(Gn): return np.mean([np.mean(list(dict( for G in Gn]) def get_max_node_degree(Gn): return np.amax([np.mean(list(dict( for G in Gn]) def get_min_node_degree(Gn): return np.amin([np.mean(list(dict( for G in Gn]) # get fill factor, the number of non-zero entries in the adjacency matrix. def get_ave_fill_factor(Gn): return np.mean([nx.number_of_edges(G) / (nx.number_of_nodes(G) * nx.number_of_nodes(G)) for G in Gn]) def get_max_fill_factor(Gn): return np.amax([nx.number_of_edges(G) / (nx.number_of_nodes(G) * nx.number_of_nodes(G)) for G in Gn]) def get_min_fill_factor(Gn): return np.amin([nx.number_of_edges(G) / (nx.number_of_nodes(G) * nx.number_of_nodes(G)) for G in Gn]) def get_substructures(Gn): subs = set() for G in Gn: degrees = list(dict( if any(i == 2 for i in degrees): subs.add('linear') if np.amax(degrees) >= 3: subs.add('non linear') if 'linear' in subs and 'non linear' in subs: break if is_directed(Gn): for G in Gn: if len(list(nx.find_cycle(G))) > 0: subs.add('cyclic') break # else: # # @todo: this method does not work for big graph with large amount of edges like D&D, try a better way. # upper = np.amin([nx.number_of_edges(G) for G in Gn]) * 2 + 10 # for G in Gn: # if (nx.number_of_edges(G) < upper): # cyc = list(nx.simple_cycles(G.to_directed())) # if any(len(i) > 2 for i in cyc): # subs.add('cyclic') # break # if 'cyclic' not in subs: # for G in Gn: # cyc = list(nx.simple_cycles(G.to_directed())) # if any(len(i) > 2 for i in cyc): # subs.add('cyclic') # break return subs def get_class_num(target): return len(set(target)) def get_node_attr_dim(Gn): for G in Gn: for n in G.nodes(data=True): if 'attributes' in n[1]: return len(n[1]['attributes']) return 0 def get_edge_attr_dim(Gn): for G in Gn: if nx.number_of_edges(G) > 0: for e in G.edges(data=True): if 'attributes' in e[2]: return len(e[2]['attributes']) return 0 if attr_names == []: attr_names = [ 'substructures', 'node_labeled', 'edge_labeled', 'is_directed', 'dataset_size', 'ave_node_num', 'min_node_num', 'max_node_num', 'ave_edge_num', 'min_edge_num', 'max_edge_num', 'ave_node_degree', 'min_node_degree', 'max_node_degree', 'ave_fill_factor', 'min_fill_factor', 'max_fill_factor', 'node_label_num', 'edge_label_num', 'node_attr_dim', 'edge_attr_dim', 'class_number', ] # dataset size if 'dataset_size' in attr_names: attrs.update({'dataset_size': get_dataset_size(Gn)}) # graph node number if any(i in attr_names for i in ['ave_node_num', 'min_node_num', 'max_node_num']): all_node_num = get_all_node_num(Gn) if 'ave_node_num' in attr_names: attrs.update({'ave_node_num': get_ave_node_num(all_node_num)}) if 'min_node_num' in attr_names: attrs.update({'min_node_num': get_min_node_num(all_node_num)}) if 'max_node_num' in attr_names: attrs.update({'max_node_num': get_max_node_num(all_node_num)}) # graph edge number if any(i in attr_names for i in ['ave_edge_num', 'min_edge_num', 'max_edge_num']): all_edge_num = get_all_edge_num(Gn) if 'ave_edge_num' in attr_names: attrs.update({'ave_edge_num': get_ave_edge_num(all_edge_num)}) if 'max_edge_num' in attr_names: attrs.update({'max_edge_num': get_max_edge_num(all_edge_num)}) if 'min_edge_num' in attr_names: attrs.update({'min_edge_num': get_min_edge_num(all_edge_num)}) # label number if any(i in attr_names for i in ['node_labeled', 'node_label_num']): is_nl = is_node_labeled(Gn) node_label_num = get_node_label_num(Gn) if 'node_labeled' in attr_names: # graphs are considered node unlabeled if all nodes have the same label. attrs.update({'node_labeled': is_nl if node_label_num > 1 else False}) if 'node_label_num' in attr_names: attrs.update({'node_label_num': node_label_num}) if any(i in attr_names for i in ['edge_labeled', 'edge_label_num']): is_el = is_edge_labeled(Gn) edge_label_num = get_edge_label_num(Gn) if 'edge_labeled' in attr_names: # graphs are considered edge unlabeled if all edges have the same label. attrs.update({'edge_labeled': is_el if edge_label_num > 1 else False}) if 'edge_label_num' in attr_names: attrs.update({'edge_label_num': edge_label_num}) if 'is_directed' in attr_names: attrs.update({'is_directed': is_directed(Gn)}) if 'ave_node_degree' in attr_names: attrs.update({'ave_node_degree': get_ave_node_degree(Gn)}) if 'max_node_degree' in attr_names: attrs.update({'max_node_degree': get_max_node_degree(Gn)}) if 'min_node_degree' in attr_names: attrs.update({'min_node_degree': get_min_node_degree(Gn)}) if 'ave_fill_factor' in attr_names: attrs.update({'ave_fill_factor': get_ave_fill_factor(Gn)}) if 'max_fill_factor' in attr_names: attrs.update({'max_fill_factor': get_max_fill_factor(Gn)}) if 'min_fill_factor' in attr_names: attrs.update({'min_fill_factor': get_min_fill_factor(Gn)}) if 'substructures' in attr_names: attrs.update({'substructures': get_substructures(Gn)}) if 'class_number' in attr_names: attrs.update({'class_number': get_class_num(target)}) if 'node_attr_dim' in attr_names: attrs['node_attr_dim'] = get_node_attr_dim(Gn) if 'edge_attr_dim' in attr_names: attrs['edge_attr_dim'] = get_edge_attr_dim(Gn) from collections import OrderedDict return OrderedDict( sorted(attrs.items(), key=lambda i: attr_names.index(i[0])))
[docs]def load_predefined_dataset(ds_name): import os from gklearn.utils.graphfiles import loadDataset current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/' if ds_name == 'Acyclic': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/Acyclic/dataset_bps.ds' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'AIDS': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/AIDS/AIDS_A.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'Alkane': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/Alkane/dataset.ds' fn_targets = current_path + '../../datasets/Alkane/dataset_boiling_point_names.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file, filename_y=fn_targets) elif ds_name == 'COIL-DEL': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/COIL-DEL/COIL-DEL_A.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'COIL-RAG': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/COIL-RAG/COIL-RAG_A.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'COLORS-3': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/COLORS-3/COLORS-3_A.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'Cuneiform': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/Cuneiform/Cuneiform_A.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'DD': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/DD/DD_A.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'ENZYMES': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/ENZYMES_txt/ENZYMES_A_sparse.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'Fingerprint': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/Fingerprint/Fingerprint_A.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'FRANKENSTEIN': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/FRANKENSTEIN/FRANKENSTEIN_A.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'Letter-high': # node non-symb ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/Letter-high/Letter-high_A.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'Letter-low': # node non-symb ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/Letter-low/Letter-low_A.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'Letter-med': # node non-symb ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/Letter-med/Letter-med_A.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'MAO': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/MAO/dataset.ds' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'Monoterpenoides': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/Monoterpenoides/dataset_10+.ds' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'MUTAG': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/MUTAG/MUTAG_A.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'NCI1': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/NCI1/NCI1_A.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'NCI109': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/NCI109/NCI109_A.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'PAH': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/PAH/dataset.ds' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'SYNTHETIC': pass elif ds_name == 'SYNTHETICnew': ds_file = current_path + '../../datasets/SYNTHETICnew/SYNTHETICnew_A.txt' graphs, targets = loadDataset(ds_file) elif ds_name == 'Synthie': pass else: raise Exception('The dataset name "', ds_name, '" is not pre-defined.') return graphs, targets