
@author: linlin


[1] Liva Ralaivola, Sanjay J Swamidass, Hiroto Saigo, and Pierre Baldi. Graph kernels for chemical informatics. Neural networks, 18(8):1093–1110, 2005.

find_all_path_as_trie(G, length, ds_attrs, node_label='atom', edge_label='bond_type')[source]
find_all_paths_until_length(G, length, ds_attrs, node_label='atom', edge_label='bond_type', tolabelseqs=True)[source]

Find all paths no longer than a certain maximum length in a graph. A recursive depth first search is applied.


GNetworkX graphs

The graph in which paths are searched.


The maximum length of paths.

ds_attrs: dict

Dataset attributes.


Node attribute used as label. The default node label is atom.


Edge attribute used as label. The default edge label is bond_type.



List of paths retrieved, where for unlabeled graphs, each path is represented by a list of nodes; while for labeled graphs, each path is represented by a list of strings consists of labels of nodes and/or edges on that path.

paths2labelseqs(plist, G, ds_attrs, node_label, edge_label)[source]
untilhpathkernel(*args, node_label='atom', edge_label='bond_type', depth=10, k_func='MinMax', compute_method='trie', parallel='imap_unordered', n_jobs=None, chunksize=None, verbose=True)[source]

Compute path graph kernels up to depth/hight h between graphs.


GnList of NetworkX graph

List of graphs between which the kernels are computed.

G1, G2NetworkX graphs

Two graphs between which the kernel is computed.


Node attribute used as label. The default node label is atom.


Edge attribute used as label. The default edge label is bond_type.


Depth of search. Longest length of paths.


A kernel function applied using different notions of fingerprint similarity, defining the type of feature map and normalization method applied for the graph kernel. The Following choices are available:

‘MinMax’: use the MiniMax kernel and counting feature map.

‘tanimoto’: use the Tanimoto kernel and binary feature map.

None: no sub-kernel is used, the kernel is computed directly.


Computation method to store paths and compute the graph kernel. The Following choices are available:

‘trie’: store paths as tries.

‘naive’: store paths to lists.


Number of jobs for parallelization.


KmatrixNumpy matrix

Kernel matrix, each element of which is the path kernel up to h between 2 praphs.

wrapper_find_all_path_as_trie(length, ds_attrs, node_label, edge_label, itr_item)[source]
wrapper_find_all_paths_until_length(length, ds_attrs, node_label, edge_label, tolabelseqs, itr_item)[source]
wrapper_uhpath_do_kernelless(k_func, itr)[source]
wrapper_uhpath_do_naive(k_func, itr)[source]
wrapper_uhpath_do_trie(k_func, itr)[source]