
@author: linlin


[1] Thomas Gärtner, Peter Flach, and Stefan Wrobel. On graph kernels: Hardness results and efficient alternatives. Learning Theory and Kernel Machines, pages 129–143, 2003.

commonwalkkernel(*args, node_label='atom', edge_label='bond_type', weight=1, compute_method=None, n_jobs=None, chunksize=None, verbose=True)[source]

Compute common walk graph kernels between graphs.


GnList of NetworkX graph

List of graphs between which the kernels are computed.

G1, G2NetworkX graphs

Two graphs between which the kernel is computed.


Node attribute used as symbolic label. The default node label is ‘atom’.


Edge attribute used as symbolic label. The default edge label is ‘bond_type’.

weight: integer

Weight coefficient of different lengths of walks, which represents beta in ‘exp’ method and gamma in ‘geo’.


Method used to compute walk kernel. The Following choices are available:

‘exp’: method based on exponential serials applied on the direct product graph, as shown in reference [1]. The time complexity is O(n^6) for graphs with n vertices.

‘geo’: method based on geometric serials applied on the direct product graph, as shown in reference [1]. The time complexity is O(n^6) for graphs with n vertices.


Number of jobs for parallelization.


KmatrixNumpy matrix

Kernel matrix, each element of which is a common walk kernel between 2 graphs.

find_all_walks(G, length)[source]

Find all walks with a certain length in a graph. A recursive depth first search is applied.


GNetworkX graphs

The graph in which walks are searched.


The length of walks.


walklist of list

List of walks retrieved, where each walk is represented by a list of nodes.

find_all_walks_until_length(G, length, node_label='atom', edge_label='bond_type', labeled=True)[source]

Find all walks with a certain maximum length in a graph. A recursive depth first search is applied.


GNetworkX graphs

The graph in which walks are searched.


The maximum length of walks.


node attribute used as label. The default node label is atom.


edge attribute used as label. The default edge label is bond_type.


Whether the graphs are labeled. The default is True.



List of walks retrieved, where for unlabeled graphs, each walk is represented by a list of nodes; while for labeled graphs, each walk is represented by a string consists of labels of nodes and edges on that walk.

find_walks(G, source_node, length)[source]

Find all walks with a certain length those start from a source node. A recursive depth first search is applied.


GNetworkX graphs

The graph in which walks are searched.


The number of the node from where all walks start.


The length of walks.


walklist of list

List of walks retrieved, where each walk is represented by a list of nodes.

wrapper_cw_exp(node_label, edge_label, beta, itr)[source]
wrapper_cw_geo(node_label, edge_label, gama, itr)[source]