
Created on Thu Sep 27 10:56:23 2018

@author: linlin


[1] Suard F, Rakotomamonjy A, Bensrhair A. Kernel on Bag of Paths For Measuring Similarity of Shapes. InESANN 2007 Apr 25 (pp. 355-360).
getAllEdgeKernels(g1, g2, edge_kernels, edge_label, ds_attrs)[source]
getAllNodeKernels(g1, g2, node_kernels, node_label, ds_attrs)[source]
get_shortest_paths(G, weight, directed)[source]

Get all shortest paths of a graph.

G : NetworkX graphs
The graphs whose paths are calculated.
weight : string/None
edge attribute used as weight to calculate the shortest path.
directed: boolean
Whether graph is directed.
sp : list of list
List of shortest paths of the graph, where each path is represented by a list of nodes.
get_sps_as_trie(G, weight, directed)[source]

Get all shortest paths of a graph and insert them into a trie.

G : NetworkX graphs
The graphs whose paths are calculated.
weight : string/None
edge attribute used as weight to calculate the shortest path.
directed: boolean
Whether graph is directed.
sp : list of list
List of shortest paths of the graph, where each path is represented by a list of nodes.
ssp_do_trie(g1, g2, trie1, trie2, ds_attrs, node_label, edge_label, node_kernels, edge_kernels)[source]
structuralspkernel(*args, node_label='atom', edge_weight=None, edge_label='bond_type', node_kernels=None, edge_kernels=None, compute_method='naive', parallel='imap_unordered', n_jobs=None, chunksize=None, verbose=True)[source]

Calculate mean average structural shortest path kernels between graphs.

Gn : List of NetworkX graph
List of graphs between which the kernels are calculated.
G1, G2 : NetworkX graphs
Two graphs between which the kernel is calculated.
node_label : string
Node attribute used as label. The default node label is atom.
edge_weight : string
Edge attribute name corresponding to the edge weight. Applied for the computation of the shortest paths.
edge_label : string
Edge attribute used as label. The default edge label is bond_type.
node_kernels : dict
A dictionary of kernel functions for nodes, including 3 items: ‘symb’ for symbolic node labels, ‘nsymb’ for non-symbolic node labels, ‘mix’ for both labels. The first 2 functions take two node labels as parameters, and the ‘mix’ function takes 4 parameters, a symbolic and a non-symbolic label for each the two nodes. Each label is in form of 2-D dimension array (n_samples, n_features). Each function returns a number as the kernel value. Ignored when nodes are unlabeled.
edge_kernels : dict
A dictionary of kernel functions for edges, including 3 items: ‘symb’ for symbolic edge labels, ‘nsymb’ for non-symbolic edge labels, ‘mix’ for both labels. The first 2 functions take two edge labels as parameters, and the ‘mix’ function takes 4 parameters, a symbolic and a non-symbolic label for each the two edges. Each label is in form of 2-D dimension array (n_samples, n_features). Each function returns a number as the kernel value. Ignored when edges are unlabeled.
compute_method : string

Computation method to store the shortest paths and compute the graph kernel. The Following choices are available:

‘trie’: store paths as tries.

‘naive’: store paths to lists.

n_jobs : int
Number of jobs for parallelization.
Kmatrix : Numpy matrix
Kernel matrix, each element of which is the mean average structural shortest path kernel between 2 praphs.
structuralspkernel_do(g1, g2, spl1, spl2, ds_attrs, node_label, edge_label, node_kernels, edge_kernels)[source]
traverseBothTriee(root, trie2, kernel, vk_dict, ek_dict, pcurrent=[])[source]
traverseBothTriem(root, trie2, kernel, vk_dict, ek_dict, pcurrent=[])[source]
traverseBothTrieu(root, trie2, kernel, vk_dict, ek_dict, pcurrent=[])[source]
traverseBothTriev(root, trie2, kernel, vk_dict, ek_dict, pcurrent=[])[source]
traverseTrie2e(root, p1, kernel, vk_dict, ek_dict, pcurrent=[])[source]
traverseTrie2m(root, p1, kernel, vk_dict, ek_dict, pcurrent=[])[source]
traverseTrie2u(root, p1, kernel, vk_dict, ek_dict, pcurrent=[])[source]
traverseTrie2v(root, p1, kernel, vk_dict, ek_dict, pcurrent=[])[source]
wrapper_getSP_naive(weight, directed, itr_item)[source]
wrapper_getSP_trie(weight, directed, itr_item)[source]
wrapper_ssp_do(ds_attrs, node_label, edge_label, node_kernels, edge_kernels, itr)[source]
wrapper_ssp_do_trie(ds_attrs, node_label, edge_label, node_kernels, edge_kernels, itr)[source]