
@author: linlin


[1] Gaüzère B, Brun L, Villemin D. Two new graphs kernels in chemoinformatics. Pattern Recognition Letters. 2012 Nov 1;33(15):2038-47.
find_all_paths(G, length, is_directed)[source]

Find all paths with a certain length in a graph. A recursive depth first search is applied.

G : NetworkX graphs
The graph in which paths are searched.
length : integer
The length of paths.
path : list of list
List of paths retrieved, where each path is represented by a list of nodes.
find_paths(G, source_node, length)[source]

Find all paths with a certain length those start from a source node. A recursive depth first search is applied.

G : NetworkX graphs
The graph in which paths are searched.
source_node : integer
The number of the node from where all paths start.
length : integer
The length of paths.
path : list of list
List of paths retrieved, where each path is represented by a list of nodes.
get_canonkeys(G, node_label, edge_label, labeled, is_directed)[source]

Generate canonical keys of all treelets in a graph.

G : NetworkX graphs
The graph in which keys are generated.
node_label : string
node attribute used as label. The default node label is atom.
edge_label : string
edge attribute used as label. The default edge label is bond_type.
labeled : boolean
Whether the graphs are labeled. The default is True.
canonkey/canonkey_l : dict
For unlabeled graphs, canonkey is a dictionary which records amount of every tree pattern. For labeled graphs, canonkey_l is one which keeps track of amount of every treelet.
treeletkernel(*args, sub_kernel, node_label='atom', edge_label='bond_type', parallel='imap_unordered', n_jobs=None, chunksize=None, verbose=True)[source]

Calculate treelet graph kernels between graphs.

Gn : List of NetworkX graph
List of graphs between which the kernels are calculated.
G1, G2 : NetworkX graphs
Two graphs between which the kernel is calculated.
sub_kernel : function
The sub-kernel between 2 real number vectors. Each vector counts the numbers of isomorphic treelets in a graph.
node_label : string
Node attribute used as label. The default node label is atom.
edge_label : string
Edge attribute used as label. The default edge label is bond_type.
parallel : string/None

Which paralleliztion method is applied to compute the kernel. The Following choices are available:

‘imap_unordered’: use Python’s multiprocessing.Pool.imap_unordered method.

None: no parallelization is applied.

n_jobs : int
Number of jobs for parallelization. The default is to use all computational cores. This argument is only valid when one of the parallelization method is applied.
Kmatrix : Numpy matrix
Kernel matrix, each element of which is the treelet kernel between 2 praphs.
wrapper_get_canonkeys(node_label, edge_label, labeled, is_directed, itr_item)[source]
wrapper_treeletkernel_do(sub_kernel, itr)[source]